May 22, 2012

The First CSA Pick - Up - Reminders

We are almost there - mere hours away from the first CSA pick up of the season - its almost like Christmas Eve, don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight!

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone of some basic CSA etiquette - little things to keep in mind that will ensure that everyone has a fantastic summer of garden goodies.

  • Pick Ups are Wednesday and Thursdays from 3:30 pm to 7 pm - Pick - ups are ONLY during those hours.  A lot of prep work goes into ensuring that every thing is ready and we are not able to accommodate early/late people.  
  • Remember to bring your reusable bags 
  • Only take the amount of produce for your share size - the produce is weighed/counted to ensure that everyone gets some.  If people take more then they should then someone won't get any. (we know who you are ; >)
  • Be gentle with the produce - don't dig through it or allow your children to play with it.  Due to the nature of local, heirloom, fresh produce you are receiving things at the peak of freshness and if handled roughly the produce will become bruised and broken - which will result in less for everyone
  • Organic & Heirloom produce is NOT PERFECT - there will be holes from bugs, it will look funny, but it will be the best tasting, freshest, healthiest produce you have every had.
  • All produce needs to be washed prior to eating - we only dunk it in cold water to stop the wilt process - its so fresh you'll see the dirt
  • And last but not least - please remember we work hard to provide you with a wide selection of exciting and tasty produce, some weeks will be bountiful and others not so much - complaining won't change anything but does hurt our feelings.  
We greatly appreciate each and everyone of you and can't wait to share what is looking to be an awesome year of tasty goodness!  This week you will be getting: green onions, red oak lettuce (YUMMY!!!) radishes, and garlic scapes, there will also be a limited number of eggs available for purchase.  

As for the happenings here on the farm we are watching the potatoes grow like mad (the farm produces the most amazing potatoes and garlic) AND we planted three rows of tomatoes - each row is 240 feet long.  Thats 720 feet of beautiful summer taste explosions - salad,  soup, gespacho, sauce, baked, roasted, salsa, raw - tomato tomato tomato.  Tonight I'll dream about that first perfect tomato with basil, mozzarella, and balsamic vinegar with just a touch of sea salt sprinkled over the top. Ahhhhhh pure heaven.

See you in the morning,
The farm foodie 

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