May 14, 2012

Mixed News on the Farm

The bees are foraging, the lambs have birthed, the seedlings are growing, and the fields are being planted. Spring just feels good. But, as is often said, nature can be both beautiful and cruel. Life on the farm is no different. Today we bring mixed news. We are excited to see some early greens and vegetables will soon be ready to harvest, with our first CSA pick up perhaps as early as next week.

While this year's farm operations are well underway, the Rosselot family is facing an extraordinary challenge. Jim has been battling cancer for many years now. Recently, he has taken a turn for the worse, and the cancer has progressed to the advanced stages. After much thought, the family decided to share this with their CSA members. After all, each of us came to Gravel Knolls Farm not only to build a relation with our food, but also with the people who grow it.

For fourteen years, Jim and Linda have provided their members wholesome, honestly grown food that nourishes each of our own families. This year is no different. The Rosselots are determined to provide their CSA members with the produce we have always enjoyed and appreciated. It will be impossible, though, for the farm operations not to be effected. With great effort from friends and family, the Rosselots will see this harvest year through. With flexibility and understanding, we CSA members will support a great farming family through tough times.


Susan said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Susan said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Susan said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way.