July 23, 2012

This is a pick up week

It's another hot week, but we will have a pick up. You can expect garlic, onions, cabbage, potatoes
(fingerlings if I can get them dug in time). And add to that either a white scallop patty pan, or Italian zucchini.
Chickens will be processed Thursday and ready for pick up by 4:30 that afternoon, or put in our deep freeze for a more convenient time to pick up. Orders can be take by e-mail. Let me how many and if you would like them pieced (for $1.00 more per chicken) or left whole.

I'm almost ready to till out the first planting of Blue Lake Bush, 1/2 runners, and Roma beans. All blooms and no beans. Not sure it is too late for them to develop, but one thing is for sure, the weeds are way ahead and towering over them. Quit an ugly mess going on in that field.

About the weeds...

Pig Weed an amaranth is coming in nicely. This is a plant the Hispanic population likes to harvest for a boiled, breaded, and fried side dish served with hand made tortillas and salsa.It is delicious.

Lambs Quarter is plentiful now also. This is a plant you grandparents foraged and maybe made your parents eat fresh or cooked. This is high in calcium, has very little flavor, about the same texture or bite as kale and healthier than kale.

Next is Purslane. This plant has become popular hybridized and used as a ground cover in landscaping. But the wild native is high in all the good omega oils (land fish). Other cultures use it to make a sweet chutney or salsa and serve with pork.

Foraging takes a while when you need a sizable harvest, so I'm going to start very early Tuesday morning before feeding the chickens horses and sheep and collect some for your enjoyment this week.

Butler County Fair this week. Our youngest, Lane is showing sheep. Eggy Casey, Liberty Livestock leader and her husband, Sam, have added to their responsibilities helping Lane move his sheep in and keep him in tow to get to his shows. BIG THANKS for the help and support.
 If you go, take a walk through the sheep barn and pay his lambs a visit along with all the Liberty Livestock projects.  Today he took 4th place with one and 8 place with another. Go Lane!!

See you Wednesday or Thursday 3:30 to 7.


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